Lund : October Update

Apart of settling down, this place starts to feel comfortable which I guess is due to the people you hang out with, including meal and talking time together, and even exploring places in this town. So every night is like a meetup to chill and relax after dinnering, maybe card games as well, and even HTHT.

One of the best part would be for me to even experiment different dishes under Yukihira’s name LOL – shamefully declare HAHA. GOOD thing some of us knows how to cook which makes our variety of food more promising and more interesting to dine in 🙂

I guess it is a blessed feature to even know Cari & Michelle, though heard stories of them before and knowing them through word of mouth since Convocation HMMM. Not too bad they are interesting and lovely people, FUNNY of course. And after hearing the incident of Cari having some sort of panic attack made me into paying more attention into her. As we know, having medical attention outside home country can be a hassle, it is not as accessible in Singapore where you are able to enter the hospital or medical facilities with ease, Sweden’s are good but the efficiency is an issue :/ BUT ANYWAY, trying the best to make her feel at ease so she doesn’t have the buffer for such unforeseen circumstances.

Gordon & SK, finally more guys to join in the gang and… yeah do more shitloads of work and enjoy nonsense together PHEW~ and definitely even more of an enjoyment to know we are clustered to be staying near each other with real walking distance LOL.

Back from Spain of course, one of the fun trips and visiting rare places, food never fails to make me happy definitely especially without the specific some person that could piss me off, though I was already not having an ultra experience in Barcelona -.- Anyway… shopping trip and sightseeing sort of brought chill and relax to almost everyone, definitely love Spain 😛


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